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Editorial Policy

In a sea of paywalls, we're renegades for free intel. No trickery—quality content always gratis. We sweat each detail until it’s lit, then serve it up with zero strings or shady links. Partners hook you up; sponsors keep the lights on. Ferris Bueller our curation anytime—we dare you

In a world where every reader is a potential ATM, it's hard to believe anything of value can be had for free. But as foolish, idealistic outsiders in the industry, that's the path we're committed to.

Hey Rebekah is a free daily newsletter because, knowledge should be free.

Our newsletter isn't an ethical bribe. You don't get a free taster at the beginning and then have to pay to see the good stuff down the road. Content we produce will always be free and accessible to our readers, no matter what.

We value our seat in your inbox. It's why our editorial content goes through a rigorous internal process. We scrutinize until we come to a unified decision that it's “dope” and worth sharing.

To keep our heads straight, we don’t make a dime from affiliate links. Instead, we’re working with (aligned) partners who, in turn, offer discounts to our readers.

To fund our mild taco addiction, irrational loyalty to Apple, 7 hungry dogs and a cat, we work with curated sponsors. These are brands we're big fans of. We work with them to create bespoke ad content that’s relevant to you.

Sponsorships are always clearly marked within the newsletter. It makes it super easy for our readers to discern and makes our sponsors feel like they're getting more bang for the buck.

If you like what you see or think our dope-o-meter on the day is off balance, ROAST US by replying to our emails. We'll get a kick out of it.