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Running Your Business

Helicopter Bosses

We tried to be cool parent-style bosses and ditch our inner Corporate Overlords. Take a minute to find out why that didn't work.

By Susan Rov

1 min read

Have you ever come across a cool parent-style leader? Let us fill you in. Back when we started freelancing, we were still recovering from the helicopter parenting of corporate life.

We assumed that being a laidback and supportive leader was the way to go.

We were handing out extra allowance and enabling the crazy dreams of our colleagues.

Then it hit us.

This probably wasn’t the right way to put our work family first. We ended up supporting bad ideas and avoided giving critical feedback.

On an important project, we enabled the overly bold ideas of the designer. It almost cost us a huge gig. The client was pissed and we doubled back to redo the whole project.

Now we know that it’s good to have our colleagues’ backs but we need to stay radically candid. It will save you a lot of money on family counseling.

Susan Rov

About Susan Rov

Susan traded cocktails and lattes for words that move. As a copywriter on a mission to end boring, she brightens brands and makes an impact. Number 463 on the list of fiction readers left standing, you'll find Susan at sunrise—running, writing, and wondering how to change the world next. That drive led her to become a founding team member of BRIL.LA.