Understanding the difference between important vs urgent is not easy. When I started working for myself, I had it all wrong. I thought the key to success was doing as much as possible.
Each day, I took off strong, but as the distance stretched out in front of me, I started to lose steam.
To increase my productivity, I tried time-blocking and using different productivity tools. But no matter how much I optimized my work, I felt like I was always running behind.
That's when I realized that my problem wasn't productivity but prioritization.
By focusing on the wrong things, I was lagging in areas that really mattered.
Then, I took a moment to stop and reflect.
Instead of running in all directions, I stopped to determine which tasks were urgent and which ones were truly important. The important things were those that had many dependencies and a lot at stake. Urgent was everything else.
With this knowledge, I could prioritize my time to ensure I got what mattered the most done first. And then move on to everything else.
I finally got to wear my sneakers and get ahead after months of running in flip-flops.
About Ambreen Dar
Ambreen designs for thrillseekers. She left the classroom behind to chase adventures in publishing, then dove into digital marketing's deep end. New tricks abound, but Ambreen's four furry fans still think she's top dog. Alongside Rebekah and Sam, Ambreen makes BRIL.LA's magic - and wouldn't have it any other way.