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Off the Menu

New Eatery & The Sweet Spot

By Kristen Dahlin

1 min read

Selecting the best keyword research tool is hard. Recently, I was looking at all of the options. Holy smokes, it's a veritable food fair. I researched online reviews and checked out what the experts and my colleagues were using.

That wasn’t helpful.

So I used my best judgment and aligned the tool to the stage of our content strategy. To pick up latent semantic index keywords.

I picked a niche tool that looked the most appetizing. Having identified several unique opportunities—I thought I was really on to something.

To validate my research, I decided to test my first tasting against one of the industry-leading software. I'm glad I did because the results for the same queries were totally different.

Then, I tried another one, and the results for the exact same keyword were different again.

Finally, I settled on the most widely used SEO platform even though it had fewer fancy ingredients. I just felt I could rely on their results.

So for mission-critical tasks, I'm sticking to tried and tested tools. You should consider doing the same.

Kristen Dahlin

About Kristen Dahlin

Kristen fell into content marketing between Disneyland gigs and Hawaiian weddings. With a few years of SEO-fueled freelance under her belt, she wandered into tech. That winding path eventually landed her as a founding team member of BRIL.LA.