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Slow to Flow

Technicolor Nightmare

A friendly morning reminder to optimize your workday for YOU.

By Kristen Dahlin

1 min read

Here’s your friendly morning reminder to optimize your workday for YOU. All too often, we let the expectations and schedules of others dictate our way of working—and living. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Minor adjustments to your work style can pack a solid productivity punch into your day.

This is your permission to walk away from that new tool you got, but secretly hate. Find what works for you and let it flow.

If you haven't tried time-blocking, Google Calendar has tons of color options to choose from. Sure, it might turn into a technicolor nightmare, but who cares?

Paint your work life in a way it actually works for you. Find your peak performance hours. Schedule time to slack off.

Most importantly, don’t feel guilty for thinking that 13-hour CRUSH IT! schedule your LinkedIn connection keeps posting sounds terrible.

Yeah, you just thought of someone specific, didn’t you? We all know one.

Kristen Dahlin

About Kristen Dahlin

Kristen fell into content marketing between Disneyland gigs and Hawaiian weddings. With a few years of SEO-fueled freelance under her belt, she wandered into tech. That winding path eventually landed her as a founding team member of BRIL.LA.