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12 Most Powerful Ways to Create Facebook Engagement

By Rebekah Radice

2 min read

I am excited to announce my first guest post on 12Most.com! This amazing community is a wonderful tribe of writers and contributors that share, teach, learn and laugh together.Becoming part of this group, and having the opportunity to interact with the community, has been a magical experience.

12 Ways to Create Facebook Engagement

Social media is an excellent tool for building your business, and many business professionals have learned the value of reaching out with their message through a Facebook fan page.Making your site a destination for timely information and engaging interaction increases business opportunities and boosts your recognition factor.

1. Set up an attractive timeline

Facebook is a visual media. Make sure your page includes links to webinars that you have conducted, upcoming events you are hosting and YouTube videos including in-depth information about products and services.

2. Keep it fresh

Post daily and keep your content fresh and relevant. Change up your posts by using images, links, video and other media to monitor what works best in your community.

3. Maximize your marketing value

Use your cover image as a marketing tool, but be mindful of Facebook’s strict cover image guidelines. The cover image allows you to display a photo that is unique to your business including anything from your fan of the month to an upcoming product or event. You also want to update your cover frequently to keep your page fun and interesting.

4. Use images to draw fans in

As Pinterest has proven, consumers love eye candy. Use images that are a banquet for the eyes. The goal here is to choose a beautiful photograph that will immediately intrigue and delight the eye.Read more....

Rebekah Radice

About Rebekah Radice

Rebekah Radice, co-founder of BRIL.LA, has traded narcissism for purpose. When not driving growth, you'll find her tricking family into thinking she's Emeril Lagasse - likely covered in marinara. The spotlight was fun, but impact is better. These days she's using 20+ years of brand brilliance for good.