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3 Ways to Use Pinterest Secret Boards in Your Business

By Rebekah Radice

3 min read

If you have hesitated to use Pinterest within your business, recent statistics prove this social media powerhouse is worth a second look.With over 25 million active users, Pinterest has drawn a larger crowd in a shorter time than any other social network.Often referred to as a virtual pin board, the visual eye candy found on Pinterest can be leveraged by businesses to collaborate, elaborate and engage within a private space.So what exactly are they, and how can you put them to work in your business?

The Skinny on Pinterest Secret Boards

Simply put, Pinterest secret boards allow users to create boards (think bucket or category of content) and then share those boards with users invited to view or pin.According to Evret Milam on Pinterest’s official blog, “When you add a pin to a secret board, it won’t show up anywhere else on Pinterest – the only place you can see it is on your secret board.”While Milam suggests you can use secret boards to keep track of holiday gifts or plan a special event, such as a wedding, working these boards into your business is where the magic for marketers begins.

3 Ways to Use Pinterest in Your Business

1. Collaborate With Your Team

Add team members to your secret board and easily collaborate on any new project.Planning an upcoming business conference? Use a secret board to pin everything from room decor to content ideas. Pin articles from your blog or website that will be repurposed for handouts, flyers or slideshows.Each team member will be notified as new content is added, allowing better communication and easier status updates on the progress of your event.

2. Curate Content

Do you spend hours of your valuable time curating content for social media purposes? Pinterest secret boards are a very effective way to save that content in one easy to find location for use later.Need an article on blogging for your Facebook business page? Pin the article you just finished reading to your secret board so you can effortlessly grab and post that article when the timing is right.If you find that you post images often, Pinterest is an unbelievable resource no matter what the subject. Whether you are looking for home decor or social media Infographics, there is a wealth of information right at your fingertips within Pinterest.

3. Research Your Consumer

Offering exceptional, personalized service to clients should be at the core of any business plan. Research your niche or industry and pay attention to what consumers are pinning. What content is resonating with them and what needs or wants could your product or service possibly meet?You can also use secret boards to collect ideas for e-books, special reports, or upcoming blog posts that answer consumer frequently asked questions or ideas to reward your valued customers. The sky is the limit when it comes to using Pinterest secret boards!So do you see yourself using this nifty little feature going forward? I would love to hear how you plan on or are using them within your business now!

Rebekah Radice

About Rebekah Radice

Rebekah Radice, co-founder of BRIL.LA, has traded narcissism for purpose. When not driving growth, you'll find her tricking family into thinking she's Emeril Lagasse - likely covered in marinara. The spotlight was fun, but impact is better. These days she's using 20+ years of brand brilliance for good.