Want to reach a larger audience for your business? Look no further than Facebook!You can drive growth, build momentum, and increase Facebook fan page engagement with a few simple strategies.Keeping your fans alert, involved, and eager to contribute is imperative to your page showing up in their newsfeed.These tips will help you stay in front of your fans and take them from fan to paying clients!
4 Powerful Ways to Increase Facebook Fan Page Engagement
1. Use Images
Images are a powerful way to quickly earn a reaction from your fans. They have the ability to excite, inspire, and delight. Images can generate an instantaneous and strong emotional response.With the rollout of Timeline, images are more influential than ever. In a recent survey by Wildfire, it was found that posts with graphics garner a much greater response than those without. In fact, Wildfire stated that “Photos are the best at generating comments, outperforming the next best post type by 8.3%.”This does not mean you need to include a graphic with every one of your posts, but it does offer important insight into capturing the attention of your fans.Your images can stand alone with nothing more than one or two words needed. The Ellen DeGeneres Show employs this tactic with exceptional results consistently:

Another strategy is one that I use quite often when posting a blog or web article. Include your eye-popping image along with the link or URL at the end of your Facebook post. Your image will immediately draw them in and hopefully entice them to click through to your article.
2. Use a Clear Call to Action
A strong call to action includes a simple request leaving no doubt in your fan's minds about what you would like them to do. Never leave fan reaction to chance. Give them a compelling reason to take action via consistent, relevant, and beneficial content.A few ways you can encourage a specific reaction is through open-ended questions. For example:
- Fill in the blank: Have you ever _____?
- We __________. What do you think?
- What is your favorite __________?
- What if you could _________?
- Finish this sentence: ________
- We love _________. What’s your favorite?
Another simple way to direct your fans is by spelling out the specific action you would like them to take. Do not assume your fans know what you want them to do. Tell them!
- LIKE this post if…
- Click LIKE if you agree, if you love, if you could…
- SHARE if you love this as much as we do or if you’ve found this valuable
- Tag yourself in this photo if you agree…
3. Use a Status Update
There is no denying that a simple status update still packs a punch whether you are a big brand or a mom-and-pop shop. The status update is easy to relate to your fans in a fun and entertaining way without the complication of images, links, or video.One big brand that uses this strategy almost exclusively is Skittles. Their fans have come to know and appreciate the short, witty, and entertaining way the brand endears itself to its fans daily.

4. Use Video
While images are powerful, video can be just as effective. However, people are moving quickly when they are on Facebook, so keep your videos short, informative, and entertaining.You want your fans to walk away feeling uplifted, encouraged, or as if they have gained wisdom and knowledge from your video.
Set yourself apart by offering enormous value, and watch your message spread like wildfire! What tips can you add to this list?
About Rebekah Radice
Rebekah Radice, co-founder of BRIL.LA, has traded narcissism for purpose. When not driving growth, you'll find her tricking family into thinking she's Emeril Lagasse - likely covered in marinara. The spotlight was fun, but impact is better. These days she's using 20+ years of brand brilliance for good.