Today we see more and more businesses utilizing social media as an avenue to expand their business.Businesses are beginning to see the value a Facebook business page can offer by allowing them to connect with raving fans and potential customers while maintaining bonds with current ones.We all know these Facebook pages are littered with coupons, promos, and product details.Pages like this trigger the assumption that you are only after their money, which may or may not be true.Some businesses, however, are missing the mark completely when it comes to giving their fans valuable and engaging contentIf the above describes your Facebook page, have no fear, there is hope!
4 Things Your Facebook Fans Crave (and how to give it to them)
Your page should be a delicate balance of content that matters to your customer with a touch of product/service promotion, not the other way around.It's a fact that consumers are more likely to buy from businesses with whom they are familiar and have a relational bond. How do you build bonds with your offline customers while online?Give them what they want!
1. They Crave To Know You Are Human
All business all the time is boring. Your customers are looking to see that they are dealing with real people who understand their needs and know how to supply them with a solution to those needs.Adding your own personal flavor to your Facebook business page will intrigue your fans as you allow them a peek inside the world of your business. This can be showing pictures or videos of you or your staff doing what you do best, these real-life examples show that you are confident in what you do and help people know what to expect when they walk in your door.
2. People Crave To Be Heard
Fielding requests or questions online can go a long way. Sometimes the difference between a raving fan and a disgruntled customer is how you handle their inquiry.Make the effort to reach out to these requests, even if you do not have an answer at that time, acknowledge that they have been heard, and ensure that you will follow up with them shortly.Then actually follow up. This shows that you go the extra mile for your customers, which spreads like wildfire regarding word-of-mouth referrals.
3. Fans Crave Honesty
Today more people than ever check out a business online before choosing to work with them. They want to see if the business is credible, competent, and conducts itself in an honest manner.Being transparent is an important value to have because all shortcomings are eventually brought to light. The good news is that everyone is human, and we are bound to mess up, but it is how we handle what comes; next that will determine whether people stay or go.If you honestly handle yourself in the digital and physical world, people will notice and take note of that. However, those will eventually be found if you conduct yourself in sketchy or unethical ways.Make the hard decision, and do what's right from the get-go.
4. People Crave A Good Laugh
Nothing brings people back to your Facebook page like a good laugh. If you can share hilarious content with your fans consistently, they will know where to go when they need to lighten their spirits.If this is done in careful balance with the rest of the content you put out on your page, then you've probably struck gold.Humorous posts get shared most frequently via social media sites, especially Facebook, where photo memes seem to take over.Also make sure that your posts are never offensive and somehow relate to your business or industry, and you will have your fans spreading your content to the far corners of the web. This is a great way to peak the interest of friends of your fans, which turn into new fans and potential customers.If you give your fans the attention, they require as well as valuable content consistently, you will begin to build a loyal Facebook following that will eventually be invaluable to your business. It may take time, but the investment is worth it.What kind of content or attention does your audience crave, and how do you satisfy their craving? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
About Rebekah Radice
Rebekah Radice, co-founder of BRIL.LA, has traded narcissism for purpose. When not driving growth, you'll find her tricking family into thinking she's Emeril Lagasse - likely covered in marinara. The spotlight was fun, but impact is better. These days she's using 20+ years of brand brilliance for good.