Bad habits. All bloggers have them, but few know how to overcome them.Whether it's overcoming a ho-hum attitude towards content creation or a non-existent posting plan, bad habits can kill momentum and crush the hope of even the most optimistic blogger.Nevertheless, if уоu wаnt results frоm уоur blog, you must commit to beating the bad habits below.They are killing your blogging mojo!
5 Bad Blogging Habits Killing Your Blog Mojo
1. Believing that More Equals Better
I believe we're seeing a shift from the "more is better" mentality to a less is more stance. What do I mean by this?As marketers race to keep up with the insatiable appetite of online consumers, there becomes an increasing need to pump out more and more content.However, when quality is sacrificed as the quantity picks up, you begin to break down the credibility, trust, and reach you worked so hard to build.Nile Flores with Famous Bloggers puts it this way, and I couldn't agree more...
"Slow and steady – that’s what you need to build a good foundation. People who brag about being able to post more than 1 (blog post) a day will usually run into a lull and have to eat their words."
2. Focusing Solely on SEO
How do you determine what to write about on your blog? You're missing the boat if it's solely based on keyword research and search engine optimization.With the latest algorithm change called Hummingbird, Google is once again flipping the tables on writers and marketers alike.While SEO was designed to enhance a business's online visibility and traffic, many found the system easy to game. Certainly, Hummingbird will not eliminate these keyword stuffers and optimization cheaters, but it will reduce the amount of worthless content popping up across the web.The trend today is SMO. This is social media optimization and integrating a substantial and influential social media presence.How does that translate into your social media marketing strategy? According to Wishpond, "The Hummingbird algorithm values quality content that is relevant, authoritative, and shareable. So the more your content has been shared across social media, the higher its perceived quality, and the better you’ll rank on Google."As a social media strategist, this news makes my heart go pitter-patter. So what does this mean to you as you craft your content?As my friend Peg Fitzpatrick said in her recent article, Goodbye SEO, Hello SMO (Social Media Optimization)...
"The bottom line is: be yourself. Write about your passions, and share your interests. People will love it!"
3. Using Images Haphazardly
If you want to grow your blog and connect readers to your content, you need to get serious about your chosen images. Don’t use pictures within your posts haphazardly. Be strategic and thoughtful in how you choose to display and present each image within your content.
Begin by answering two questions:
- Do your graphics tell a great story?
- Are you actively sharing them across your social properties, such as Pinterest and Instagram?
Hint: both should be answered with a resounding YES!In our visually addicted online world, pictures are literally worth a thousand words. Consider this thought from Jenna at Rain on a Tin Roof when it comes to using Pinterest to expand your blog...
"Having great photos will not only help grow your blog through Pinterest, but it will keep readers interested in your post and other posts on your blog."
Whether on your blog or throughout your social channels, allow your images to tell your target market the story that will connect them to your personal brand.
4. Not Speaking Directly to Your Target Market
Go back and review your blog content. Can readers easily identify what your message and your motivation is?Don't leave landing that next client or earning your next reader to chance. Spell out who it is that you help and how you can assist them. Give details and be specific.Readers have landed on your blog for a reason; give them the information they are looking for. Daniel Sharkov of Reviewz ‘n’ Tips puts it this way...
"Every blogger out there has a lot more interests than just blogging. Of course, there is nothing bad about it. One just needs to keep in mind that the business blog he owns is NOT a diary, and therefore it should be kept clean of everything else."
5. Posting Without a Plan
If your last blog post went live over one month ago, you are obviously lacking consistency.Make your blog a part of your marketing plan and a strategic resource for boosting website traffic and business profits.Create an editorial calendar that maps out your monthly topics and article titles. This moves you out of the stressful last-minute panic attack that comes each time you wait until the last moment to write a post.This type of "fear - frustration - overwhelm" writing schedule leaves you exhausted and burnt out.
So tell me: what bad blogging habits will you drop to kick your efforts into high gear?
About Rebekah Radice
Rebekah Radice, co-founder of BRIL.LA, has traded narcissism for purpose. When not driving growth, you'll find her tricking family into thinking she's Emeril Lagasse - likely covered in marinara. The spotlight was fun, but impact is better. These days she's using 20+ years of brand brilliance for good.