Building a successful blog not only requires you to write engaging content but demands that you establish a relationship with your readers.
While it’s true that everything from content to design affects how your readers view and interact with your blog, there are other key elements that build credibility, trust and loyalty between you and your readers.
To take your blog results from ‘super-secret stealth blogger’ to super blogger extraordinaire requires a few additional steps.
Building trust one blog at a time will take courage, confidence in your brand and an unfailing determination to skyrocket your visibility and credibility within your community.
1. Post Consistently
I don’t know about you, but if I visit a blog that hasn’t been updated in weeks or even months, I don’t consider them a viable resource. Posting consistently lends credibility to your blog.
Plan on writing two great, content rich posts per week. Then pick the days and times you will post so your readers become accustomed to looking for you.
2. Provide Valuable Information and Resources
Answer questions, provide tips and offer items of value that are relevant to your readership. Listen to your readers and find ways to solve problems, establishing you as their go-to authority within your market. Building trust will not happen overnight.
Giving freely of your insight, wisdom and knowledge will allow readers to see you are in it for them, not just the paycheck.
3. Speak Directly to Your Target Market
Do not assume you know what the needs of your readers are. All you can assume is that your readers have an interest in your niche.
Ask questions, listen to the answers and study your analytics. It’s very easy to see through Google Analytics where your readers came from, what keywords they used to end up on your page and how long they are staying on your site.
This is precisely why it is vital to speak directly to the needs of your readers and adjust that message to encourage readership growth.
4. Love What You Do and Let It Show
If you love what you do then it should reflect in everything you say and write. Be excited about what you have to offer and why now is the optimal time to buy or sell a home.
Customers sense desperation so always remember to keep your posts upbeat, positive and informative without getting bogged down by dreary details.
You can be a beacon of truth without getting sucked into the negativity of our current market.
5. Join in the Conversation
The single most effective way to build loyalty and trust is through conversation. A blog allows readers to get to know you on a very intimate level. If you let comments sit without responding or even acknowledging them, you are giving away a valuable opportunity.
You not only have the chance to answer their question in a public forum but you allow your readers to see that you care about their needs and are there to assist when they are ready.
About Rebekah Radice
Rebekah Radice, co-founder of BRIL.LA, has traded narcissism for purpose. When not driving growth, you'll find her tricking family into thinking she's Emeril Lagasse - likely covered in marinara. The spotlight was fun, but impact is better. These days she's using 20+ years of brand brilliance for good.