Your blog post title is similar to any marketing headline.Readers, just like consumers, make snap decisions based on your title or headline.The goal is to draw readers in through short, catchy and straightforward titles.You want your blog post title to incite interest and produce action, but only through an honest promise of what’s to come.
1. Make it personal
A blog title that speaks to a personal need or situation can be very effective.For example, “How You Can Put the Love Back in Your Relationship” not only solves a problem, but also relates to readers on an intimate level.
2. Make life easier (or better)
Think about your product or service from the consumer’s perspective. What problem does it solve, and how can you best get that point across in an easy and efficient manner?

3. Encourage action (and interaction)
Blog post titles should encourage action and inspire your reader to click through. Are you asking questions, and gaining valuable insight from your current subscribers? Know what triggers that action and how you can best position your content.

4. Lose the j argon
Just because you speak in industry terms, doesn’t mean your consumer will understand it. To most, it feels incredibly off-putting.Don’t make your client struggle to keep up with you. Lose the jargon and focus instead on making your blog title one that is reader and consumer friendly.

5. Be interesting
What makes your blog post intriguing? Is it news that hasn’t been shared or a tip that readers can’t find anywhere else? Draw them in, but do it ethically. It’s very disappointing to read a compelling blog title only to find the content lacking. Keep your title interesting but true to what your readers will find once inside.

6. Be original
Being original seems to be easier said than done as copycats abound across the Internet. So, if you want to stand out, you must take a stand. Put your own unique spin on blog content as well as your title. Remember: there may not be any unique ideas left, but there’s always room for your unique perspective.

7. Be honest
Slimy, spammy and deceptive never sell. At least not in a sustainable way. So, always make sure your blog post title is in alignment with your content. Misleading blog post titles create distrust and frustration, two lasting feelings that no blogger wants their reader to walk away with.

8. Speak directly to your audience
Know your audience and do your research. Ask yourself:
- Who am I trying to reach?
- What problem does my post solve?
- Is this topic valuable?
- Would I click through if I were the consumer?

9. Stay on point
Blog titles tell a story about what’s to come. They share a brief snippet of what can be expected once inside the article. What story does your blog title tell? Is it consistent with the body of your article? Don’t allow your title to stray from the main subject of your post. Stay focused and on point. Your readers will appreciate it, and your traffic will be the better for it.

10. Be 100% clear
A confused mind doesn’t buy. They also don’t click. In a study by Conductor, five types of headlines were analyzed.
Here’s what they found, “The commonality among the top three resonating headline types vs. the bottom two is that the more the headline type resonated, the more explicit the headline was as to what the reader was going to get out of reading the article. Put another way, humans don’t like uncertainty.”
Take away the uncertainty and be 100 percent clear in what you’re offering.

100 blog post title ideas
Here are 100 Blog Post Title Ideas. Feel free to steal them, tweak them, and adjust them to fit your niche.
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About Rebekah Radice
Rebekah Radice, co-founder of BRIL.LA, has traded narcissism for purpose. When not driving growth, you'll find her tricking family into thinking she's Emeril Lagasse - likely covered in marinara. The spotlight was fun, but impact is better. These days she's using 20+ years of brand brilliance for good.