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Create To-Do Lists Like a Pro

By Rebekah Radice

3 min read

In my post Time Management Tips You Can’t Afford to Do Without we explored a few techniques to manage your day and minimize any wasted hours. Now I want to turn my focus towards those nasty to-do lists. You know…the lists that just seem to pile up with nothing ever really accomplished? I have had many of those throughout the years and finally decided to find a simple but effective solution. I needed the ability to visually “check the box” and know that I had accomplished something. It’s that feeling of relief that tells me that I’m now free to move on to the next task.

What a To-Do List Can Do For You

A to-do list is a must to keep you focused and on top of those important tasks. It’s essential that you start your day with a fresh perspective and clean sheet of paper (whether it’s digital or literal).The best part about all of these applications is their ability to improve your productivity by syncing between Outlook, Gmail and your smart phone.

Teamly can assist you or your team stay organized and concentrated on your most important tasks. Teamly not only allows you to set to-do’s for your appointments, dates and tasks, you can also track the status of each one and monitor your teams progress.

Simple to-do lists. Make lists, add items, check 'em off when they're done. Works wonderfully on the web and your iPhone.

Never forget the milk or anything else with this simple but powerful app. Are you a Gmail user? Now you can manage your Remember The Milk tasks alongside your emails. Available as a gadget (with Gmail Labs) or browser add-on for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome (connect your tasks with your mail, contacts, and events in Gmail).

remember the milk

Bla-bla List is a completely free, no strings attached to-do list app. With Bla-bla List, you can:1. Make a list of things to think about later when you're not so busy2. Share your lists with others even if they don't have an account3. Publish your lists with RSS so that others get instant updates4. Privately share your lists with anyone and work on them together5. Email yourself a copy of your listAnd last but not least comes one of my favorites….

Now Do This

If you can’t keep your to-do list easy then this app is just what you need! NowDoThis is a super-simple to-do list app that will keep those all important tasks right in front of you. Go ahead..give it a try. It’s quick, fun and free!Check out the next installment How to Quickly Organize & Simplify Outlook or hop back to part one in my series Time Management Tips You Can’t Afford to Do Without.Create To-Do Lists Like a Prowas written by Rebekah Radice.

Rebekah Radice

About Rebekah Radice

Rebekah Radice, co-founder of BRIL.LA, has traded narcissism for purpose. When not driving growth, you'll find her tricking family into thinking she's Emeril Lagasse - likely covered in marinara. The spotlight was fun, but impact is better. These days she's using 20+ years of brand brilliance for good.