Are you a lurker? Do you stop by blog after blog, day after day without leaving so much as a comment to let the author know you were there? Sadly, you are not alone. Lurking is a common ailment affecting many a reader who claims “they don’t have time to comment” or they “wouldn’t know what to say” and so instead pop in and out without a word. That affliction has been given a name and this week we celebrate your coming out party! It's National Delurking Week...a time for you to let the world know you exist by stepping out of the shadows and letting your voice be heard! National DeLurking Week might sound a little creepy, but its intentions absolutely are not. Started in 2007, this cry to lurkers to join in the conversation is celebrated the second full week of January and runs from Monday through Sunday. Stop Lurking and Make Your Presence Known
There are 51 weeks remaining in this year. Rather than spending your time lurking, why not begin 2012 by making your presence known?! It’s as simple as choosing a few of your favorite blogs and commenting with your thoughts or questions for the blogger. Today is your day to DeLurk and share your thoughts!Step 1: Log in to your favorite RSS reader (mine would be Google Reader) and pick 3 of your favorite blogs.Step 2: Read the blog and log in to comment. This is typically done via Facebook or Twitter.Step 3: Leave a comment! It only takes a moment to let the author know you care. You may LOVE their blog, but you have never expressed it. Today is the day to PAY IT FORWARD! Hyper Local Marketing Idea: If you are an active blogger, you are well aware of the challenges surrounding “lurkers.” You see the traffic, you know they’ve stopped by, yet the lack of comments tell a different story. This is the week where you will change all of that. Pull your readers out of the shadows and get them involved and interacting! Ask questions that generate conversation: 1. What is your favorite outdoor activity in (insert your city or neighborhood)? 2. If you were speaking to someone who was just moving to (insert your city or neighborhood) what would your #1 recommendation be? 3. What is the best part about living in (insert your city or neighborhood)? 4. What are your favorite sites to see in (insert your city or neighborhood)? 5. What one attraction is a “must do” in (insert your city or neighborhood)?The list of questions can go on and on, but the objective is the same. Get your readers engaged, conversing and interactive with your blog. You can even wet their appetite by offering a prize for the best comment. Whatever you do, have fun and stop lurking! Get started now and leave a comment. I'd love to hear how you will make the most of this week!
About Rebekah Radice
Rebekah Radice, co-founder of BRIL.LA, has traded narcissism for purpose. When not driving growth, you'll find her tricking family into thinking she's Emeril Lagasse - likely covered in marinara. The spotlight was fun, but impact is better. These days she's using 20+ years of brand brilliance for good.