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The One Secret Every Successful Entrepreneur Knows (and you should too)

By Rebekah Radice

5 min read

Want to know what the most successful entrepreneurs know that you've probably overlooked? They invest in their personal growth as well as their business.

Not only are they lifelong learners, but they're obsessively committed to a constant state of improvement.

They've also tapped into one secret that many other entrepreneurs miss.

They know that with information comes the power to identify opportunity and the ability to act upon it.

They are led by a need to succeed and they know that success won't happen alone. They invest in their future success and find guidance and support in a mentor or coach.

Whether you are a sales professional, healthcare provider, or massage therapist, your budding business deserves an online platform that supports and encourages growth.


  • Waking up each day with clarity and purpose
  • Knowing where and how to make the most of your time online
  • Not wasting hours of your day wading through status updates, tweets, comments, questions and posts
  • Gaining new business connections, expanding your reach and growing your business in ways you never thought possible
  • Establishing credibility and positioning your personal brand as the go-to professional within your field
  • Working a daily social media strategy that is both easy, effective and produces killer results

Believe it or not, it is possible.

Successful people know that with the guidance and direction of an online business coach and the right social media business plan in place, building a powerful online presence that provides explosive results is achievable.

Don't believe in the value of coaching? Let me share with you five important ways a coach or consultant can assist in driving your business towards increased visibility, awareness, and profits.

1. Find focus

The Internet has changed the way we do business. Not only do conversations happen at lightning speed across various social channels, but the tools, systems and strategies needed to succeed evolve and change in the blink of an eye.

Many business owners looking to translate an offline brand to the online world find that "shiny object syndrome" quickly sets in. This is the need to bounce from one network to the next, taking it all on and piling the "to-do's onto an already bloated calendar.

A business coach will offer clarity and focus; assisting you in making your online goals a reality.

2. Consistent efforts

Staying top of mind is vital when creating an online presence.

While getting started is exciting and rewarding, juggling multiple social networks can also be terrifying and completely overwhelming. Knowing how to successfully navigate the how, where, and what of social media is vital.

A coach or mentor can keep you on track and focused. Business coaches will assist in the creation and execution of both short-term and long-term goals. Whether it is rolling out a new product or service, creating a video series or building a profitable online presence, the role that they play is invaluable.

3. Accountability

Many times people delay important tasks within their business because there is no accountability involved. Whether it's a simple daily Facebook post or the creation of a new email campaign, accountability will keep you from getting off-track or allowing details to slip through the cracks.

A coach can assist in filtering through priorities and with the creation of a schedule that will build in daily, weekly and monthly to-do's and checkpoints.

4. Seasoned expertise

When choosing the right online business coach, one of the first things you should look for is someone who is experienced in delivering results.

Do not be afraid to ask questions and perform your own research.

  • How long have they been online?
  • Have they established a reputation of their own?
  • Have they managed high-profile businesses or brands with success?

Many online business coaches are speaking from a taught experience, not a learned one. Do not settle for someone that has not actually worked the strategies they share with you.

5. Benefit from community

Top online business coaches have great success stories to share. Those stories come from an amazing community of professionals actively committed to their own online success.

Benefit from that community as you interact and learn from their best practices, daily struggles and most of all, their failures.

No matter what anyone tries to tell you, success (especially online) does not happen overnight.

It also does not happen without the help and support of a coach or mentor.

Rebekah Radice

About Rebekah Radice

Rebekah Radice, co-founder of BRIL.LA, has traded narcissism for purpose. When not driving growth, you'll find her tricking family into thinking she's Emeril Lagasse - likely covered in marinara. The spotlight was fun, but impact is better. These days she's using 20+ years of brand brilliance for good.