Content creation is easy. Don't believe me? Just take a look around social media. It's riddled with low-quality, uninspired content.
High-value content, on the other hand, is tough to come by. It's also even harder to create. I remember when I first started translating my blog posts over to social media. It was an undiscovered territory at the time, and the "how-to's" and "tip" posts hadn't yet been written.
But today, we know what it takes to write social media content that connects with the right audience. It's content that's written with confidence, shared with enthusiasm, and expertly crafted to build creditability and authority.
Want to learn how to write better social media content? Tune in to the latest episode of the Brand Authority Podcast and get started today.
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Highlights from episode 14
1. Focus on authenticity, not perfection
While this can be a difficult step to embrace, especially for Type-A personalities, there’s a huge upside: A perfectionist mindset can be a hindrance to your progress and success. There will always be something more you can do or improve upon. If you spend all of your time in a never-ending spiral of perfection, you’ll never finish anything. Step out of your perfection mindset and let your content happen organically.
What do I mean by this? Your first step is to choose topics where you’re better than everyone else. Now build your competency there. Your second step is to stop pressing. Don't write when you're not ready; for goodness sake, stop multi-tasking while writing. Instead, schedule time into your calendar. Write with no distractions, no notifications, and any other creativity killers.

2. Push past the fear and publish
Hitting "publish" or posting your content can be scary. After all, you're opening it up for the entire world to see. They may love or hate it, but you'll never know until you publish. Don't let that fear hold you back - face it head-on. Because when you do, you reduce your psychological response to that fear. But to overcome it once and for all, you have to face it over and over.
So take a deep breath, keep writing, and most importantly... keep posting. The more you write and share your emotions, the more you let go of anxiety, worry, and stress.
3. Keep writing
When it comes to writing great social media content (or any other type of content), the only way to get better is to commit to writing consistently.
After all, it takes 21 days to form a habit. But I get it. Writing consistently can be challenging, especially given all your other responsibilities. As I mentioned above, you have to get this into your calendar. So, start writing and never stop. Incorporate it into your daily routine. Believe me, once you're intentional, you'll start to find inspiration everywhere. The best way to capture moments is to write down ideas as they come to you.
You can use an app like Evernote or Day One to keep your ideas in one place. That way, you won't have to start from scratch when you're finally ready to sit down and write a post. You'll already have many ideas to work from.

4. Make your content easily-digestible
Many entrepreneurs focus so much on the post topic that they forget all about the ebb and flow. Don't let that happen to you. Look at your post and ask yourself:
- Is it easy to read?
- Is it natural?
- Do the words roll off the tongue?
If you're unsure about your answers, try reading your content aloud. This way, you hear it the way your audience will read it.

5. Focus on your strengths
You don’t have to be everything to everybody. I know, this goes against everything every "so-called" expert tells you. But I'm here to tell you, let go of the idea that you need to serve everyone. Rather than that, play to your strengths. Become well-versed on one or two topics that matter most to your business and your audience.
When you do this, you speak to what I call an audience of one. That ONE is your perfect customer. Not sure where to get started?
Answer these questions:
- What are you an expert on?
- What do you know that no one else does?
- What’s the most valuable piece of information you can give your audience right now?
Instead of fixing what’s broken, focus on improving what you already do well. As you become more confident, your weaknesses will transform into game-changing strengths.
So, stay in your own lane - focus on what you do better than anyone else, and everything else will fall into place.
Final thoughts
If you want to create content that convinces and converts, you need to eliminate your fear and focus on your strengths. Find something that you know better than anyone else, and excel at it!
Become an authority and share your knowledge repeatedly, even if that means you feel like a broken record. Your audience (and those who've never met you) will love you for it.
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People, Brands, and Resources mentioned:
9 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Write Better Content According to the Pros
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About Rebekah Radice
Rebekah Radice, co-founder of BRIL.LA, has traded narcissism for purpose. When not driving growth, you'll find her tricking family into thinking she's Emeril Lagasse - likely covered in marinara. The spotlight was fun, but impact is better. These days she's using 20+ years of brand brilliance for good.