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The Gist

Alpha Testers and Gratitude

A quick thank you to our moms for not hating our newsletter.

By Rebekah Radice

1 min read

The last time we published on a Friday was just before the holidays. In that edition, we shared that the Hey Rebekah team takes the day off in solidarity with the many cultures and faiths of our readers who do the same.

But before we head out, we want to celebrate some things—together with you, our Alpha test group:

  • We published 9 newsletters and not a single person hates us 🤞🏽
  • Our subscriber growth rate since launch is 600% 🚀
  • 83.66% of our readers are opening our email 🙌🏽
  • 50.7% are clicking through to links we share 🐭
  • You referred a total of 9 new readers 🫶🏽

Let's take a moment to appreciate our progress. Because without you, our 14 Alpha testers—mostly consisting of internal emails and our moms—we wouldn't be warming up our sender domain for primetime.

So THANK YOU! We're grateful and humbled by your support. We're sure it has nothing to do with Ambreen and Rebekah prompting you everyday. 😉

A special shout out

🙌🏽 MAD PROPS TO @MSHAMSHER who's sitting pretty on top of the leaderboard of the Hey Rebekah Referral Program. We can't believe you were able to coerce people into subscribing!

Rebekah Radice

About Rebekah Radice

Rebekah Radice, co-founder of BRIL.LA, has traded narcissism for purpose. When not driving growth, you'll find her tricking family into thinking she's Emeril Lagasse - likely covered in marinara. The spotlight was fun, but impact is better. These days she's using 20+ years of brand brilliance for good.