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Festivus for the Rest of Us

Embrace your inner grinch and celebrate Festivus with us.

By Ambreen Dar

•1 min read

Festivus is a holiday that we embrace. It's a chance to gather with your loved ones, friends, and family to air your grievances. 🤔

You should engage in a bit of good old-fashioned feats of strength, and top it all off with a nice aluminum pole-centric decoration.

Don't worry about buying gifts or getting all dressed up, because Festivus is all about being authentic and embracing your inner grinch. Something we thrive at.

So ahead of the arrival of Festivus on December 23, 2022 we invite you to send us an email and air your grievances.

Ambreen Dar

About Ambreen Dar

Ambreen designs for thrillseekers. She left the classroom behind to chase adventures in publishing, then dove into digital marketing's deep end. New tricks abound, but Ambreen's four furry fans still think she's top dog. Alongside Rebekah and Sam, Ambreen makes BRIL.LA's magic - and wouldn't have it any other way.